Who Are Michigan Friends?
Michigan Friends are a collaboration of many groups from Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and surrounding towns in Michigan.
We help University of Michigan (UM) and Eastern Michigan University (EMU) international students (and scholars and their spouses) adjust to American culture, so they can succeed in their academic pursuits.
Why do we offer help for free? We know we will enjoy learning about you, your country and culture. Also, in the ancient holy scriptures (Deuteronomy 10:18-19) it says the following about who God is and what He wants His people to do: "He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing. So you, too, must show love to foreigners..." This wisdom encourages us to help foreigners, including international students! God unconditionally loves us. His love transforms us, so now we want to love others!
Most of our volunteers come from the churches and groups listed below.
(Note to Churches/Ministries/Volunteers: If you would like to join Michigan Friends, please submit a request to the volunteer coordinator.)
List of Churches and Groups involved over the years:
(click on the name to go to the group website or click on the contact person name to request a ride to their activities)
Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church : contact person: Kat Stermer (or church office phone at 734-665-0105); Activities, which are for now interactive and online: Conversation Partners with whom to practice English and ask cultural questions - basically a friend and guide as you live in a “strange land;” online discussion groups, homework assistance for your children as they adjust to American schools, Bible studies and much more. Please see our Ann Arbor International Connections' website at aaisi.netlify.app
Bridges International UM (CRU International Student Ministry): Bridges Int'l Staff Email: [email protected]
International Students, Inc.(UM) Doug Sawyer, 517-902-2771
International Friendships, Inc.: Heather Murray
Coffee Break: See Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church (above).
Antioch Community Church: contact person: Jasper Zhang
St Paul Lutheran : contact person: Matthew Gutchess,
St Luke Lutheran : contact person: Alan Menge
Knox Presbyterian Church : contact person:
University Christian Outreach (UCO) : contact person: Joseph Mathias, 734-330-7742
Ann Arbor Hope Church : contact person: Pastor Joseph Hun-Suk Bae (734) 678-6462
Calvary Chapel: contact person: Dave Gremban (734) 730-6000
Calvary Presbyterian Church :
IVCF undergrads: contact persons: Carole Metzger
IVCF graduates:
Harvest Mission Community Church: contact person: Joseph Yun
Hope Community Church : contact person:
International Japanese Church : Steve Smith
Olive Tree church
Bethesda Bible Church : contact person:
China Friends : Lee Yadav (562) 713-4789
The Indonesian Christian Church: Daniel Suwargo (734)330-8986
South Lyon Fellowship Evangelical Presbyterian Church: Carlos Salgato,
Japanese church: Rev Toshiki Miyzaki
Christian Challenge: Kevin Richardson
Chinese Christian Fellowship Church:
Redeemer Ann Arbor church: contact person:
Ann Arbor Chinese Christian Church: contact person: (FAHOLO is the campus club)
New Life
Ann Arbor Taiwanese Presbyterian church: Rev Frederich Lee and Francis Liao (734-994-8507, wk 734-647-1099) and Chun-heng Chou
Ann Arbor Vineyard
Michigan Friends are a collaboration of many groups from Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and surrounding towns in Michigan.
We help University of Michigan (UM) and Eastern Michigan University (EMU) international students (and scholars and their spouses) adjust to American culture, so they can succeed in their academic pursuits.
Why do we offer help for free? We know we will enjoy learning about you, your country and culture. Also, in the ancient holy scriptures (Deuteronomy 10:18-19) it says the following about who God is and what He wants His people to do: "He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing. So you, too, must show love to foreigners..." This wisdom encourages us to help foreigners, including international students! God unconditionally loves us. His love transforms us, so now we want to love others!
Most of our volunteers come from the churches and groups listed below.
(Note to Churches/Ministries/Volunteers: If you would like to join Michigan Friends, please submit a request to the volunteer coordinator.)
List of Churches and Groups involved over the years:
(click on the name to go to the group website or click on the contact person name to request a ride to their activities)
Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church : contact person: Kat Stermer (or church office phone at 734-665-0105); Activities, which are for now interactive and online: Conversation Partners with whom to practice English and ask cultural questions - basically a friend and guide as you live in a “strange land;” online discussion groups, homework assistance for your children as they adjust to American schools, Bible studies and much more. Please see our Ann Arbor International Connections' website at aaisi.netlify.app
Bridges International UM (CRU International Student Ministry): Bridges Int'l Staff Email: [email protected]
International Students, Inc.(UM) Doug Sawyer, 517-902-2771
International Friendships, Inc.: Heather Murray
Coffee Break: See Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church (above).
Antioch Community Church: contact person: Jasper Zhang
St Paul Lutheran : contact person: Matthew Gutchess,
St Luke Lutheran : contact person: Alan Menge
Knox Presbyterian Church : contact person:
University Christian Outreach (UCO) : contact person: Joseph Mathias, 734-330-7742
Ann Arbor Hope Church : contact person: Pastor Joseph Hun-Suk Bae (734) 678-6462
Calvary Chapel: contact person: Dave Gremban (734) 730-6000
Calvary Presbyterian Church :
IVCF undergrads: contact persons: Carole Metzger
IVCF graduates:
Harvest Mission Community Church: contact person: Joseph Yun
Hope Community Church : contact person:
International Japanese Church : Steve Smith
Olive Tree church
Bethesda Bible Church : contact person:
China Friends : Lee Yadav (562) 713-4789
The Indonesian Christian Church: Daniel Suwargo (734)330-8986
South Lyon Fellowship Evangelical Presbyterian Church: Carlos Salgato,
Japanese church: Rev Toshiki Miyzaki
Christian Challenge: Kevin Richardson
Chinese Christian Fellowship Church:
Redeemer Ann Arbor church: contact person:
Ann Arbor Chinese Christian Church: contact person: (FAHOLO is the campus club)
New Life
Ann Arbor Taiwanese Presbyterian church: Rev Frederich Lee and Francis Liao (734-994-8507, wk 734-647-1099) and Chun-heng Chou
Ann Arbor Vineyard