Before you sign up, there are four important items to know: 1) We want you to succeed while you are in Michigan, let us know if there is any way we can help. 2) The women's Coffee Break on Tuesdays requires a $25 supplies cost, the rest of our activities are free. Why free? We love to make new friends and learn about other countries. See the About Us page. 3) We take normal precautions to help you have a safe and enjoyable time at our activities. However, traditional legal wisdom requires us to ask you to "sign" our Liability Wavier (ie. you take full responsibility for your safety). Please "sign" by reading the following waiver (below), agreeing to it and indicating yes on the sign up form. 4) We are not responsible for people who take photos at our events and post on facebook or anywhere. International Students Inc staff and would like your permission to use photos of you on this website or on other promotional media to recruit volunteers and internationals to our activities. Consenting to our Photo Release is completely optional, feel free to say "yes" or "no" on the sign up form, but it will help us grow if you mark "yes"..
Welcome to Michigan! We wish you much success and look forward to meeting you!
Volunteers - Sign-up for Volunteers who want to serve internationals is HERE.
THE LIABILITY WAVIER and Photo Release statements are below.
Release of Liability Statement and Hold Harmless Agreement for International Students, Inc Sponsored Events. "In appreciation and consideration of International Students, Inc affording me the opportunity to participate in their 2022 and 2023 (and future) events/activities offered on the sign up form (including the 2022 Welcome Party) and elsewhere, I agree that I participate in these events/activities solely at my own risk. I waive, release and agree to hold harmless International Students Inc, its agents, employees and volunteers from any and all property damage, personal injury or other claims of whatever nature made by myself or others related to my participation in these events/activities."
Your consent to the Media Release below is optional, but it will help us recruit students and volunteers in the future. Again, sorry for the formal sounding nature of all this.
Media/Photo Release Form I hereby give International Students, Inc., its representatives and those acting under its authority, the absolute right and permission to use or reuse any and all media provided by, from or through me, including, but not limited to, all photographic and/or video images of me, all printed media and/or all audio recordings in connection with my involvement given to International Students Inc staff or volunteers for illustration, training, website, promotion, or for any other purpose, that fits within the mission, purpose and/or on-going program of International Students Inc.
I further give up, release, discharge and agree to hold International Students Inc harmless from any and all liability in connection with the use of such media. I am 18 years of age or older and represent that I have read and fully understand the above statements.
You can give or withhold your photo permission on the Sign Up form. Internationals - TO SIGN UP FOR OUR ACTIVITIES as an International, Click HERE
Volunteers - To sign up as a Volunteer who wants to serve internationals, click HERE